There was a top detective. A top guy (who shall remain nameless out of respect for him, he's dead now anyway) who could be a real ballbuster to all the guys. And he was too!

Yet, when my friend's young son tragically passed away, which was a heartbreaking affair, this particular detective not only sent flowers, but actually showed up at the funeral home and came into the wake to pay his respects with his partner.

And this was a guy who tortured guys with steady surveillance, interviewing neighbors, etc. He knew, and used, all the harassment tactics.

But he turned out to be a very decent guy.

I'm not even gonna go further, but I believe in my heart that he actually backed off breaking this fellas balls after that tragedy. Because surveillance and other measures clearly lightened up after that.

Read into it the way you like, but I for one think this detective gave my buddy a half a pass. So on occasion 'cops and robbers' come to common ground. Only when a guys a real prick, on either side of the road, that he gets no leeway.

PS: my friends wife fell apart after the death of her boy. had a breakdown. And I'm not sure, but I think this cop had a similar situation in his personal life as well, So maybe he saw himself, and his family, when he looked into the eyes of my friend and his wife. Who knows

Last edited by NYMafia; 07/26/21 10:27 PM.