Originally Posted by jace
I know some will rejoice over the charge, and if he is guilty I want him punished---but is he guilty? We just got the news on here now, I heard it last night on the news. The person pressing the charges says it happened in 1975, and "The entire parish and neighborhood knew about it. That last part is hard to believe. I'm not defending him if he did it, but I see people saying The Boy Scouts, The Church, and many other traditional organizations had supervisor molesting them 30, 40, even 50 years ago--as they sue for money. I think many are guilty, but I have always thought a lot of them are getting in on these lawsuits to make money or for political reasons (Tearing down traditional organizations)

I was not even born anywhere near the 1970's, but does anyone here who was around then in New York, especially the Bronx, think an area like the one he was in would let him abuse a little kid or others while knowing about it?

Jesus Christ, you don’t give a flying shit about the victims, the first thing you do is a knee jerk reaction to defend pedophiles...and now your posting shit that seems to say because it was out and the open and obvious it justifies it.....there’s no slander here. You just post nothing but continued support for pedophiles and human traffickers....

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn