Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by RollinBones
Originally Posted by DiLorenzo
No, that's totally understandable pal...

Not only to fear mob retaliation, but in the 70's, it was a different world..The parents might not have ever believed a priest would do something like that...

Could very well be true..Chin had another gay brother in the family..

I just caution that when someone doesn't make a police report and just asks to be compensated financially, its raises red flags

Would criminal charges be possible this long after the incident? I don't know how the statute of limitations works in New York state.

I think they threw out the statute of limitations on any sex charge about a year ago. It opened up Bill Cosby for prosecution in California. There are close to 200 priests being accused, yet no one ever filed criminal complaint.

When Cosby was released, those dark glasses and cane were left on courthouse steps