With Patrick Bet David being the guy who set it up, I think people here on the website don't really understand that he's not shooting for Mafia aficionados, but rather people from all around, who'll be interested in seeing two ex high ranking mobsters "on a sit down" - and you've got to admit that trailer was beautifully done from a marketing perspective. I've got no doubt in my mind that this will be one of the most-watched videos on the Valuetainment channel. When you take a look at his channel, the MF video has 12 mil views. Sammy's interview has 11 mil views. As a matter of fact, his top 5 videos are all mafia-related.

Personally, I'll watch this just like I watch most of the mob-related interviews and stuff on YouTube, and even if I hear things I've already heard, I'll still probably be entertained and won't feel like it's a waste of time. God knows that when I just started learning about the mafia in general I've seen some really, really bad documentaries.