As I say ANYTHING in life is possible.

But just because it fits a narrative that you seek to push that all mob guys are rats and are no good doesn't make it so. You cannot fit a square peg in a triangle hole no matter how hard you may try (or desire to make it so).

If and when I see 'real' irrefutable evidence that Persico was a rat I will be the first one to say so. But THIS is not evidence. Plain and simple.

In fact, all it shows is that one particular "TE" informant was providing info on all those named on that FBI paper.

Joseph Laratro
John Oddo
Salvatore Mussachio
Joseph Lucchese
Joseph Rosato
Paul Castellano
James Failla
etc etc........the list is never-ending with all of them being capos or higher.

It simply does not hold water!

Now. If the redacted parts of these so-called rat lists were clear to read and it confirmed the info, then it is what it is. But those redacted parts may be even more vindicating to them.

Without being bias, the paper does NOT clearly state or explain what is being stated on that page. It just has a lot of top names. (1) TE informer code (NOT 12-18 to match each name) and really nothing else. So what can anyone really decipher from that? Not much!

It seems to me that the one particular TE code is spilling the beans on every other name on that list. (including spilling on Persico)