Originally Posted by NYMafia
I don't get Louie's fixation with calling everybody a rat or informant?

It's because of his hatred for the life. Louie is just another Moe. He truly believes that anyone who has gotten far in that life is a reprehensible human being. He can believe that all he wants, but his hatred has obviously corrupted him. If he applied logic and reason to his thoughts, he wouldn't be saying what he's saying. Carmine Persico may have been a hoodlum, but he was also a father, a husband and a friend to thousands of people. He did a lot of good for many people. The government would never admit this. Journalists won't write about it because it's not sexy to talk about a person's good deeds. To them, only sensationalism gets clicks. What they fail to realize is that people are on to their pathetic game. The people want the truth!