Originally Posted by majicrat
Some of the same people in denial here were just as stunned when they found out Whitey Bulger was a Rat, so don't be so sure "The Snake" wasn't. There isn't anything I imagine he wouldn't do to keep his family and himself in charge.

I don't think anyone was surprised Bulger was a rat, I think rumors of him and Greg Scarpa being rats were around for many of the years they were active. Scarpa had rumors about him in the 1970's, 10 years after he started working with the FBI. Ironically, the man he did a lot of informing on and helped send to prison was Perscio, who stood by him and refused to believe he was a rat. Persico was tough, brave, and fearless----but to put it kindly, he was far from smart. Very far. But a rat, no. way.