Originally Posted by OakAsFan
I think most of the guys that made real money informed. How else do you survive in that world? You have to use law enforcement to your advantage. Lucky Luciano ratted on rival drug dealers. The founder of the mob as we know it. Look at what Gambino and Lucchese did to Genovese.

That is a complete falsehood about Luciano. COMPLETELY false. It was debunked. A false narrative run by some that was proved false.

And it's one helluva stretch to call everybody rats. WTF? Thats a wild accusation. There are rats who never made one quarter. There are rats who made tons. There are standup guys who starved. And there are standup guys who made millions.

Rats were always in the extreme minority. Nowadays they are still in the extreme minority. The only difference is that proportionately the percentage of rats has increased tremendously.

Remember too that every single (1) rat usually informs on tons of guys. So if you even have ten rats that is a HUGE number who can do infinite damage to the families.

And considering that nowadays we have hundreds of informers between members and associates, it's a staggering number who do massive damage. Even though they are still outnumbered 20-30 to 1. Doesn't matter

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/20/21 10:29 PM.