Originally Posted by MafiaStudent
Originally Posted by ColonelReb
Hahaha. Go back to the Persico is a Rat thread. You got NYMafia saying it isn't true BUT anything is possible (2times) then you got Mafia Student (who is much smarter) realizing it doesn't make sense that the same Informant number is beside every guy listed( very thoughtful and intelligent observation yet didn't know NY 3461 TE was Scarpa as we have known for 15 years). A few post later Mafia Student acts like they found the Holy Grail and Scarpa is NY 3461 and NY Mafia cosigns 1000%. It's great to finally know the truth but it's another thing acting like you discovered it. Angela Clemente sent me that 2nd batch or files on my EMail 15 YEARS AGO! Not the first batch that's on the FBI vault but the 2nd batch. Just because you finally discovered the truth doesn't make it your discovery. It's like saying you dug up TRex bones in 2021 and announce it as a new dinosaur species

You are "The Big Hustle," aren't you?

Johnny Come Lately? New kid in town. Wasn't on Boston Forum or the Old AM or RD in the last 20 years , so when you come round?