Originally Posted by Lou_Para
The most important quality is absolute loyalty to the Family,and total respect and obedience to your superiors.
Then comes earning power,(and honesty in kicking up).
No cooperation with Law Enforcement.
Efficiently carrying out all assignments.
Keeping a low profile.

Any street guy (made or unmade) who keeps to these guidelines will earn the respect of his peers.


Now if its reciprocal from your superiors and peers back toward that given members, therein lies the strength of LCN. If they flip-flop on him, or its a one-way street, that starts the crack in their armor

Thats the whole difference between crews who operated efficiently with few killings and snitches over the years, and borgatas that chewed on their own leg and created dissention in the ranks.

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/17/21 07:52 PM.