Originally Posted by NYMafia
In your opinion, what are the benchmarks that a 'street guy' or underworld hoodlum needs to reach in order to be categorized "successful" by normal standards of both the underworld, and underworld in which he navigates?

Weekly earning power"
Accumulated wealth:
Underworld position:
Prior arrest record:
The time he spent behind bars:

So on, and so forth?

Everyone is different of course. Each life is unique unto itself. But as a general guideline, what are the answers to these questions to be marked as "successful" in that lifestyle?

Not getting caught counts for a lot, I'm just saying. You avoid that and everything in your list pretty much falls into place, whether your connected with someone or freelance.
Second is your street cred, if people know your full of shit, your soft, your gonna fold when the shit hits the fan, you're gonna rip them off, nobody's ever gonna do business with you and you're not gonna last five minutes on any street