Mafia, arrests in Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia: with threats and extortion they controlled fairs and economic activities
The blitz triggered in the provinces of Udine, Venice and Pordenone: armed punitive expeditions were discovered against those who were not subject to the hegemony imposed by the head of the criminal group
September 15, 2021
TRIESTE. The Anti-Mafia Investigative Department and the Trieste Economic and Financial Police Unit carried out a precautionary custody order in prison during the night against numerous people accused, for various reasons, of extortion aggravated by the mafia method. The suspects allegedly "forced - with repeated intimidating behaviors - numerous Friulian and Venetian street traders not to exercise their entrepreneurial activity and in order to prevent the regular running, in Bibione (Venice), of the well-known summer fair called" I Giovedì del Lido del Sole ”», reads the device.
The objective of the accused was to be able to obtain direct control of economic activities and thus condition the free market and the economic and social development of the renowned tourist resort. "Particularly significant - underlines Dia - some episodes in which punitive expeditions with weapons were organized against those who did not submit to the hegemony imposed by the head of the criminal group also in other fairs of the Friuli-Veneto coast". Searches of men and women of the territorial departments of the police, the carabinieri and the financial police and the military of the 8 Engineers Regiment of Legnago are still in progress in the provinces of Udine, Venice and Pordenone.
Morra: "The blitz makes politics reflect"
"My thanks to Dia, the Finance Police and the DDA of Trieste for the operation that saw dozens of arrests for extortion aggravated by the mafia method in eastern Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia", says Nicola Morra, president in a note of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission. "The picture that emerged from today's operation - he continues - is that of infiltration by the Camorra in a territory that was thought to be immune, and this very belief of impermeability to certain phenomena is the serious mistake of those who consider themselves invulnerable". According to the president of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, it is now necessary to urge the attention and sensitivity of citizens, of economic operators to denounce, to immediately put a stop to these mafia degenerations ». «Trieste - he reflects - which seems so far from the territories typically hit by criminal phenomena, demonstrates how the attention of politics must never fail or be deluded by hypothetical zones of immunity. The Anti-Mafia commission could plan an upcoming mission to Trieste precisely to investigate in depth what is happening and to give a concrete sign of presence and closeness to the healthy and honest civil society that does not bow its head ".