Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Jace, or whatever the fuck your name it. YOU are literally the last person in the world that either me, FOH, or anybody else on this forum needs to prove anything to.

Who the fuck are you anyway, the Pope or the President? You're a straight up jerk-off, plain and simple. As FOH and I have said here and now (and many other posters have said in the recent past), you know zero about anything. Especially organized crime. Your theories are patently ridiculous. Your statements are generally without merit. You constantly throw out insults to others here on the forum. And then you try and act all high and mighty and indignant when someone pulls your bullshit card out from under you.

You're a bad joke. And that's all you are. (or yeah, your also a troll)....a poor one at that also. Lol. You just can't seem to get anything right can you Jace?

I get things right, and I know a conspiracy theory from fact. If you believe the Mafia had a politician killed while he stood next to the President of the United States, as Furio claims, then you are exactly everything you claimed I am. Plus, you have been made into what they call a "Punk" by the people who were blasting you a few weeks ago. You went from standing up to calls of being a pedophile to praising the person calling you that, and totally backed down on questioning accusations of all mafia members being rats to backing that cause. i wait for facts, not conspiracy theories. I stick by what I say, you are a coward, and a fraud. Now Mr. Mafia, say I know nothing again. I know enough, and don't try to fake it like you and a few others. Go write another fake story about a mobster and claim you knew him.

Well that was a complete mixed up gibberish of a whacky rant if ever I heard one. Wow!... you really are an idiot aren't you Jace.