Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by NYMafia
1000% correct JC

I tried being nice to "IT" at first. Then I tried tolerating her insults. Then I just ignored her completely. But after this last passive/agressive post of hers I lost patience. Hence, I decided to straighten her out once and for all. And tell her what's REALLY what! Lol

Now, as FOH, likes to say. we're done here! Am I'm done interacting and wasting my time with a nitwit like Jace. Grow up, or shut up!

Straighten me out? Now you think you're The Godfather. You can't get yourself straight.

Lol, you are the delusional one here, not me. And as anybody can see, it didn't take much for me to straighten you out that's for sure. Or to out think you. As I tried to "enlighten" you earlier, unsuccessfully I see, you are but an "imbecile"

You "Straightened me out" then "Tried to enlighten" me---you really have way too high an opinion of yourself. You are overrated in your own twisted mind. You and your "I was friends with mobsters" fantasies.