Today, as you can see, some big names have fallen. Big hitters. Rizzuto, Sollecito, today, it was not expected to fall. Mr. Cavaliere, he didn't think his legal career was going to end today. You are the common denominator that makes the majority of people in that group fall today. The manager, Greg, is you. It is your actions that cause the image of crime in Montreal to change completely from today. It's your fault. What I know about you is that you're not the type to talk to the police or yell at the police. But be man enough to listen to what's against you. " Greg, you got out of prison in 2011. And already in 2012, our news sources told us that you wanted to take your place back at all costs. That you were prepared to use violence, murder, to make your place. That you wanted to bring everyone together. That you were a ticking time bomb. And that you were on the verge of getting out of hand. Guys like Rizzuto, Sollecito and Cavaliere are low profile guys. You don't really hear from them. You know who they are, but it feels like at no point in time they want to put the police spotlight on them. Quite the opposite of you. " You must know that whatever I am going to tell you, I am able to demonstrate it with facts. It's going to be in the disclosure of the evidence you're going to receive from the Crown. Do you understand that? In 2012, you managed to form an alliance with Sollecito and Rizzuto. And with other small groups alongside, under Alliance control. From you and the Italians. " We understand that when you form an alliance, you will displease some people. We know very well that you wanted to bring everyone together under the supervision of your Table. As in the biker war, we agree that there are sacrifices to be made. Because, for sure, you can't please everyone, Greg. You take the place of certain people, impose your ideas on yourself. Impose your laws in the middle. Much like the one who sponsored you to get into bikers, "Mom" Boucher tried to do in the 1990s by imposing his rules with the Rock Machines, independents and others he waged war against. You, on a smaller scale, wanted to do the same thing. You wanted to follow your godfather in the way you do things. " We don't expect a guy like Maurice "Mom" Boucher today to talk to us. Worse, it is certain that he will not be offered a contract to become an informer. OK ? That’s my impression. Although, maybe after years of incarceration, when he finds out that we know his daughter was involved ... When he realizes that she too is going to go inside for a little while ... She who has just given birth. Maybe sometimes it can get someone to understand something. " Usually there is wiretapping in a large police investigation. You know there are some who escape a little more than others, who are less careful with their words. There are also spinning mills. Although you are very awake to this, I must tell you that most of the time, we achieve incredible results by physical surveillance of our suspects. Often, thanks to conventional spinning, that leads us to be able to obtain something else. I will not surprise you, we know that Me Cavaliere warns you about a lot of cases. But at some point, you can't predict everything. Surprises happen. You are going to make mistakes. This may lead us to install cameras and microphones in certain places. You know, there is no such thing as a foolproof protection system. No matter how much you want to protect yourself from everything ... In my career, I saw guys who had rottweilers or cameras in their house to prevent the police from going to put microphones, then we came back like that to put them on . You are never going to outrun us enough that we won't be able to stop you. We're going to be able to stop you all the time. For a lot of reasons. Sometimes because you are surrounded by the weak. Other times, because you make mistakes. At some point you all make mistakes. Because you think you are the kings. When you think of yourself as the king, you'll let your guard down. And for sure at some point there is going to be a lucky punch that will hit your nose. Then you will fall. That's life. When you are too sure of yourself, when you think you are in control of the city of Montreal, you think yourself above the fray. And you think nothing can get to you.
But like I told you, you have become THE priority for the police. You were the man who had to be removed from the island of Montreal to get some security back, to make things quieter in your area. So there is nothing that was left to chance in the investigation. Because you crossed the line. Not only did you distribute kilos of cocaine in the market, but you also used extreme violence. You led to the creation of Project Magot which targeted you and your gang. It’s rare that you are able to leave the streets and go to the top. And the boss is you. This is Stefano Sollecito. It's Leonardo Rizzuto. We reached the top in this investigation. I'll never thank you enough for that. ” There is one thing that fascinated me about what I read and learned in the investigation that started with you, Greg. You know that I am from Quebec. And I had the chance to work on the investigation into Gerald Gallant's case. Do you know Gerald Gallant? In the biker war, he was the killer of the Rock Machines and the West End Gang. He's the one who killed Bruno Van Lerberghe, a full patch HA, and Bob Savard, your godfather's right hand ... of "Mom" Boucher. At the time, that investigation led me to meet guys like the Rock Machine Fred Faucher and Marcel Demers. And Raymond Desfossés, a West End Gang boss who gave Gallant contracts. It's all from the world that you know. It also led me to meet a lot of guys, like Gilles Lambert and André "Frisé" Sauvageau, who were also in the Rock Machine at that time, but who are now in the HA. In Operation SharQc, the police were investigating the Hells killing the Rocks. We did the opposite with Gallant. We listened to Sauvageau, Lambert - and Cazzetta, who is made your leader or, at the very least, a very important person in the Hells Angels. I was listening to these guys talk and they all wanted to rip your head off. They said you were rats. Reliable steps. Crosseurs. And then, when I read that you ended up with "Frisé" Sauvageau, who was an enemy at the time ... He who said: "Never that I am going to enter the Spits!" Because he called you Spits, instead of HAs. And then you got to know these guys who declared war on you.
You trust them. I don't understand, Greg. I don't understand how you can come to trust these people. I don't understand how you can even tack your cockpit covers. How can you agree to bring the wolves into the fold and then trust them? Me, it seems to me that I would trust my guys, the ones I grew up with in the organization, with whom I fought at the time. You who were a bit the dolphin of
Mom »Butcher ... So, for the first time, Sergeant Girard opens the laptop he had placed on the table, right next to him and Woolley. He glances back at the suspect and pauses, as if to arouse the suspect's curiosity, before moving on. - I'm going to tell you about the plot you made with "Mom" Boucher and her daughter, Alexandra. I know he's been good for you, "Mom". And I also know you're good for him, for example. What is disturbing about this is that although "Mom" Boucher has been detained for several years, he maintains some contact with the outside world. We also know that "Mom" Boucher, her support is crumbling quite a bit. But you will endure it. Investigation shows that you continue to send him $ 4,000 monthly envelopes. Except that, according to what we know, the amount is going down. And there it won't be long before he will be forgotten. Because if there is one who has blundered, if there is one who has made enemies, it is him. He continued to blunder, even in the penitentiary. What happened with Raynald Desjardins was another very big blunder he just made. We know that you are not going to see "Mom" Boucher in prison, but clearly, you have given your consent for an upcoming plot to have Raynald Desjardins killed. I don't know if "Mom" is less alert after all these years in it. I think he's starting to get rusty and he's become less vigilant. But if you want to pass messages and you're in the USD, it's not that easy. It can cause you to make mistakes. That’s what I meant when I said earlier that you think yourself above everything. That you think you are unattainable. And you're running to ruin with that. ” So, "Mom" Boucher, in all his glory, he brought his daughter to the penitentiary. His own daughter. So she can deliver her messages to you. Because he couldn't get them straight to you. And he implicated her in this plot. It's Maurice's daughter "Mom" Boucher anyway, so I sure didn't expect her to fit into the nuns. But still, his father made him cross a line and I find that quite ordinary. And Greg, you're going to see that, like her, you too are in trouble because of him. "
You will understand that in this investigation, it was also necessary to use technical means. We therefore went before a judge to bugger Parlor A of the penitentiary where visits were made between Alexandra Mongeau and her father. We have two cameras, one that points to "Mom" Boucher and one to Alexandra. We see that the two suspect that they could be listened to. They say big things about it, then they talk to each other only by articulating words, without hearing them, or by whispering. But you are able to read their lips and understand. Especially “Mom” Boucher. They also make gestures. When they talk about you in the parlor, "Mom" Boucher and Alexandra touch each other's cheeks. It's a code not to say your name, but we know they're talking about you. In my opinion, this code may have something to do with the color of your skin. You'll see, when they talk about you, we're sure they're talking about you even if they don't say your name. At each of their meetings, we have both camera angles. You'll see...
Sergeant Girard then invites Woolley to move his chair so that he sits directly next to him, in front of the small table where he has placed his laptop. While continuing to chew his gum, the investigator then plays a video recording, then turns the computer screen towards the suspect and turns up the volume. An obese prisoner, with short hair but all white, appears on the screen. You can hear him laugh out loud, mumble something and then cough. Gregory Woolley can't help but take a close look at this bespectacled 60-year-old who the investigator calls his "godfather." This man, who shook the whole of Quebec not so long ago, is unrecognizable at first glance. The years he spent locked in a "super-max" with the worst criminals in the country have clearly done their work. - Has it been a long time since you last saw him? Girard asks him. He has changed into a sacrament! Ouffff! Looked. Then listen carefully ...