Originally Posted by merlino
Originally Posted by JCrusher
While I agree the mother definitely had a big say on the poor guy getting murdered I don’t think Gotti was ever going to give him a pass. That whole situation always makes my blood boil. Yes I feel bad that a kid passed away but it was simply a tragic accident. From everything I’ve heard Favara was a good family man despite what the Gotti women claim. To his credit Junior Gotti has also said that the Favara family were all good people and seems disturbed by what happened to him despite losing his brother

Well stated; a better more noble and wiser move would have been telling Favara, GTFO of town now, never want to see or hear of you again

. He actually was in the process of moving. Unfortunately it’s not like the movies but he still did it pretty quickly but sadly they probably would have hunted him down anyway. My heart goes out to the Favara family. I know Scott Favara I believe became a cop and gave an interview about 19 years ago around Fathers Day talking about how good of a man his father was and not being able to visit a gravesite. Really sad