This provokes a fun bit of speculation.

If there were a "Chairman" today, I would guess that's Barney. At least it would be his to refuse, which perhaps he would. I would speculate the only other option really might be Cefalu or Mannino. Interesting to note out of the past "chairmen" list, only the Lukes have never had the chair. (Notwithstanding whether there truly is a chair).

Certainly the five NYC families would all have seats now - I'm sure if you're going to have a commission in the modern era, you've forgiven the Bonannos by now.

Who else would have seats? I would think Philly and likely whatever remains of Boston and Chicago. *Possibly* Detroit. Would anyone else have a seat? Buffalo still shows the odd sign of life between the Todaros and their powerful Underboss - would they have a seat at the table?

I would guess the Gambino's speak for the DeCavalcantes.