Originally Posted by DillyDolly
NYMafia, there are still lots of guys getting sweet plea deals, you just have to be lucky. I'm convinced that they slammed Scarfo Jr so hard because of who his father was. The Scarfos are doomed if they get pinched for mob-tied crimes, just like the Persicos and Gottis.

DD, first off let me say that I like you ok? But with all due respect. You're out of your fucking mind!

I live in NYC. I know more guys than you got hair on your head and balls. I grew up with them. I got more wiseguys in my family than you can shake a stick at. And I'M TELLING YOU straight out, guys are getting buried with time today. I don't know if you've ever done even a single day in your entire life in the can, but I have. And I can tell ya straight up its no picnic.

5 years? You think that's a joke just for fucking gambling? 5-15 years for shylocking? you think thats a joke and no big deal? 15-30 for babania. Is that just a number to you! Try doing one year. Try doing one month. You'll shit your pants.

Maybe if your last name is Lipshitz or Murphy you'll get probation or a slap on the wrist. But my name ends in a vowel. Italians they automatically view as "connected" understand? Whether they truly are or not. And we get fucked when we stand before the judge.

Let me ask you something. How many 10s and 20s you think guys have in their lifetime? And what the FUCK do you think they got waiting for them when they get out the can? ZERO!

Their blood family IS all fucked up. Daughters and sons all messed up. Wife (if she's still around) is a nervous wreck. They're broke as a joke. They're old, gray, and bitter, and move slow and think slower. PLEASE!

I come from this. I COME FROM THIS! I was born into this. Do you understand what I'm trying to explain to you here without drawing you a fucking map???

Wake the fuck up and stop fantasizing about something that is false. Decades back it was a rough knock-around life. But (some) guys made fortunes. Others were brokesters. Some did big time. Most skated pretty good. But Today it's a completely different story understand me???

You're a kid. I can tell. I'm an old man compared to you. I could your father. Who the fuck knows. I could be old enough to be your grandfather. No joke!

It's Over! Unless you wanna fuck yourself right in your ass. Then go ahead and take your best shot big guy.

Last edited by NYMafia; 11/26/21 06:44 AM.