Originally Posted by Louiebynochi
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
Originally Posted by Lou_Para
A Chinese couple is in bed asleep.
The husband elbows the wife in her side and when she wakes up he says "I want 69"
The wife replies "it's 2 o'clock in the morning and you want beef and broccoli ?"

That's hilarious :-) :-) :-)


With these “gangster giggles” I can pretty much ascertain that you haven’t seen pussy since you emerged from the womb...

The Seven Deadly Sins, Louienochi. "The Seven deadly sins!" You seem to have nearly every one of them down pat, don't you little man? Especially Envy and Jealousy, uncontrolled Anger, Lusting after what others have and you obviously do not, and Sloth. During this holy month I strongly suggest you go to a church or a synagogue and atone for these sins of yours (and others I'm pretty certain you're guilty of as well). It might just make a man and a gentleman out of you. Or a lady out of you. Whatever the case may be!