Toodoped: MeyerLansky is GBB's new "50 Cent" lol Cheers buddy and stay safe
MeyerLansky: haha thank you buddy ! i hope i will go home today, the doctors will give an answer later this day
Toodoped: I wish you the best buddy and dont forget, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger
MeyerLansky: indeed thank you buddy ! all the best to you too !
Toodoped: Fuck the ScottB & Button/Zipper Pants sites and fuck their paywalls. This forum gives you everything for free and so best wishes and good health to both JGeoff and TB!
Toodoped: Cheers and stay tuned for more free information.
Toodoped: Cant believe that some posters need to open three different threads so they can advertise their projects, and also talk to themselves with the help of different accounts. What is the world coming to?!
Toodoped: whoomp there it is! whoomp there it is! lol
Toodoped: a bird told me that the zipper pants site is slowly going down lol lol lol
Toodoped: The best fun for me is being the puppeteer of a complete idiot lol lol
Toodoped: ...and screw all paywalls and paying sites. They wont give you shit
Toodoped: Thanks buddy! We should continue fighting against these lying paying sites and to protect everyone on this forum, especially the younger generation or posters.
Toodoped: these days lots of people that I know lost their families and everything they had because its legit and even youngsters can chip in
Toodoped: Same as the mob paying sites...ppl pay for "Disneyland" and wiki mob stuff, something which they can find it on their own with a simple google search
VanillaLimeCoke: Lousy school violence these days. Not even a 6th of the way through September and we've already had a psychotic violent school shooting.
Toodoped: Word. Few days ago, over here, they caught one teenager with a gun and more than 60 bullets, while going to school. I wonder what was his plan ?!
Toodoped: Damn....the retard slowly became a stalker and he's following me whenever I make a post so he can bump up his own $0,5 "projects" lol lol "IT" is finished and I love it lol
Toodoped: Cant believe this off to find some real pussy
Toodoped: aaaaand....the retarded stalker is back again
Toodoped: For those who enjoyed the "TD's Free Outfit Articles 2023/24" thread, well thanks to @TB for making it a sticky on the first page in the OC forum so everyone can enjoy it. Again, I want to personally say thanks to TB, JGeoff and the whole GBB forum. Salut
VanillaLimeCoke: I can’t take it anymore. Everything has gotta change. Or at least a lot.
Toodoped: Screw the world bro...the main thing today is to take care of you and yours.
VanillaLimeCoke: I’m hoping and praying that 2025 will be so much better. …. for real …. Too
Giacomo_Vacari: Damn, he is posting the same things over and over, nothing new. Watch out the flu is bad this year. January 20th Trump gets sworn in, and hopefully turn things around.
VanillaLimeCoke: Yeah, but they’re already planning things so he can’t turn them around
VanillaLimeCoke: Biden’s pardened over 8000 people, most of which were issued in the last 2-3 months
hoodlum: Yes, most likely 2 piss off that crybaby & compulsive liar now sadly in office.
Jason1969: Hey! After applying months ago, I finally got my button and was accepted as a member!
Just before it struck midnight in Midtown last night I raised my left leg as the ball was dropping in Times Square so I could start the New Year off on the right foot.
Thats was a great one, lol. Im out of ammo. Well done, sir.
Take a little breather ML, but I just know you got a few more up your sleeve from where those other jokes came from. LOL
In the meantime, here's another one for those forum members who like it quick and a bit risqué; - Q: What can a girl put behind her ears to make her look sexier?
Frankie and Petey receive "Holy Communion".... -- Like the good Catholic boys that they were, Frankie and Petey walked down to Saint Michael's RC Church in their neighborhood to confess their sins and receive penance. After waiting their turn in line, Frankie went into the confessional booth to speak with the parish priest, Father Santoro.
Frankie started with...."Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been several months since my last confession." Father Santoro then encouraged him on saying, "Go ahead young man and tell me your sins."
"Well, all in all father I've been pretty good except that I have been having sex almost daily with this local neighborhood girl that's so hot I just can't help myself. I know thats it's wrong of me to do this and act on my impulses but she's so beautiful I can't resist her."
Father Santoro then asks, "I'm glad that you understand the severity of your actions. Now tell me, who is this girl? Whats her name?
Being the stand up kid that he was, Frankie quickly responds, "I'm sorry Father but I can't tell you that." So Father Santoro presses on, "Is it Mary Romano?"
Frankie responds in kind, "Please Father don't ask me to reveal her name. I don't wanna ruin her reputation."
With his interest now piqued Father Santoro asks, "Is is Lucia Russo?"
Frankie says again, "Please Father I respect the church and I have great respect for you as well, but I will never tell you that!"
Father Santoro then asks, "Is it Anna Lombardi?"
Frankie then says, "Father please stop. I'm never gonna tell you her name no matter how many times you ask me to."
Father Santoro takes one more shot at it, "My son, is her name Camille Palazzolo?"
But Little Frankie holds fast and says to the priest, "Please Father, enough already. Please don't ask again."
So Father Santoro finally relents and tells the boy, "Well. I will say one thing for you. You're a real stand up kid and I admire that. But you need to pay for your sins. Now go and pray ten "Our Fathers" and ten "Hail Mary's." Furthermore you are prohibited from attending Catechism for the entire next week That is your penance!" - Frankie opens the confessional door and walks back to his buddy Petey who's kneeling in the pews waiting for him. Petey slides over and asks him, "so what'd get?"
Little Frankie slyly responds, "One week's vacation and four good leads!"
Polish guy wants nothing more in his life than to be Italian. One day he goes out and buys an Armani suit, a pinky ring, gold chain with a horn, puts on a fedora hat and walks into the store; in his best New York Italian accent he says 'Yo, gimme some prosciutto, half a pound of Mozzarella cheese, and some gabagool"
The guy behind the counter looks up at him and says "What are you a pollock?"
He says "How the hell did you know that??"
"This is a hardware store"
Re: "Hoodlum Humor" "Gangster Giggles" for a laugh!
[Re: Mamaluke]
#1026961 01/02/2208:14 PM01/02/2208:14 PM
Polish guy wants nothing more in his life than to be Italian. One day he goes out and buys an Armani suit, a pinky ring, gold chain with a horn, puts on a fedora hat and walks into the store; in his best New York Italian accent he says 'Yo, gimme some prosciutto, half a pound of Mozzarella cheese, and some gabagool"
The guy behind the counter looks up at him and says "What are you a pollock?"
He says "How the hell did you know that??"
"This is a hardware store"
Thats another cute one ML. (see? and you thought you were out of ammo). lol
Here's another little joke thats a bit different from my usual schtick that certain forum members may also enjoy. Its one of those old-styled rhymes...and it goes something like this; -
Roses are red Your face is too. Because you're a Baboons ass and surely belong in a zoo. But don't you worry cause we'll be there too. Not in a cage, but looking inside it while we all laugh at you!
PS: I know it was somewhat different from my usual style but I hope you guys enjoyed that one nonetheless.
Here's another little gem... - A man was laying on a beach wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch, when a woman passing by snidely remarked to him, "If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady."
The man quickly replied, "If you were any sort of a sexy lady, the hat would lift by itself."
Here's an ethnic joke for ya (but don't worry fellas, because we're equal opportunity jokesters who make fun everyone) - "The Polish Fisherman"... - One day an Italian guy and a Polish guy were fishing on opposite sides of the same river, but the Italian guy was catching all the fish.
Eventually the Polish guy asked the Italian, "How the heck can I get to the other side by you?"
So the Italian says to him with a slight smirk, "I'll just turn on my flashlight and you can walk across the beam."
The Polish guy says, "Nice try pal...But just because I'm Polish doesn't mean that I'll fall for that. I'll get halfway across and you'll turn it off."
Two polish guys decide to rent a boat and go fishing. They pay the rental fee and drive off in one of the boats. They are boating around trying to catch fish but are having no luck. Finally, they find this little spot where the fish are biting. They catch alot of fish and decide they have to head back before it gets too dark. The one guy says to the other;
"We should come back here tomorrow and catch more fish", "sure" says the other "but how will we find the place again?"
"I know, we'll draw an x on the bottom of the boat to mark the spot!" he says. "Are you stupid?" says the other "How do you know we'll get the same boat next time?"
Re: "Hoodlum Humor" "Gangster Giggles" for a laugh!
[Re: NYMafia]
#1027138 01/04/2207:48 PM01/04/2207:48 PM
I feel like I'm in Groundhog Day, only it's in the Borscht Belt and Shecky Greene appears continuously everyday and keeps saying. "I'll be here all week.", "I'll be here all week.", "I'll be here all week."
Two polish guys decide to rent a boat and go fishing. They pay the rental fee and drive off in one of the boats. They are boating around trying to catch fish but are having no luck. Finally, they find this little spot where the fish are biting. They catch alot of fish and decide they have to head back before it gets too dark. The one guy says to the other;
"We should come back here tomorrow and catch more fish", "sure" says the other "but how will we find the place again?"
"I know, we'll draw an x on the bottom of the boat to mark the spot!" he says. "Are you stupid?" says the other "How do you know we'll get the same boat next time?"
I'm loving these jokes. Helps keep the day lite and puts a smile on peoples faces (most people anyway). Lol. So keep em coming guys!
Did you hear about the three blondes they found frozen at the drivethru theater? They went to see "Closed For the Winter".
I see we've morphed into Blond jokes. Lol. So be it. -- A businessman gets on an elevator and spots a big chested blond already inside. She smiles at him and says, "T G I F"
He smiled back and said, "S H I T"
She looked at him a bit puzzled and then repeated, T G I F
Acknowledging her remark, he then related, S H I T
The blond was only trying to be friendly so she flashed her biggest smile while propping out her ample chest and again sweetly saying, T G I F
The man smiled back, while stating once again with a quizzical expression while ogling her twin assets, S H I T
The blond finally decided to explain things this time around as she said, T G I F, means T-hank G-oodness I-t's F-riday. Get it? TGIF
The man answered her, explaining, "S-orry H-oney, I-t's T-hursday." SHIT
The police are British The chefs are Italian The mechanics are German The lovers are French ...and its all organized by the Swiss
HELL is where:
The police are German The chefs are British The mechanics are French The lovers are Swiss ...and its all organized by the Italian (unless its run by the Mafia of course, Lol)
A man walks into a sex shop and asks to buy a sex doll. So the salesman asks him, "normal or Muslim?" The man replies, "what's the difference?" The salesman says, "the Muslim one blows itself up"