Originally Posted by Lou_Para
A plane crashes in the jungle and the only survivor is Vinnie from Brooklyn,who is captured by a native tribe.

The chief pulls out a knife and says "We're going to kill you and use your skin to make a canoe.

Vinnie quickly grabs the knife and begins stabbing himself all over.

The chief says "what are you doing?"

Vinnie replies "Fuck your canoe !"

Cute joke, but I see I gotta watch you more closely LP because I had that joke structured differently but it was essentially the same and was gonna post it up for everyones enjoyment down the pike a bit. But you beat me to the punch. Lol (Good for you pal. Gotta say that I'm really enjoying all these jokes everyone is contributing to this thread). I think that most everyone else on GBB is enjoying our ongoing "levity" fest as well because I see we've already gotten over 5400 views to this thread (and counting). Glad its been so well received by other members. I guess most of the posters on this forum could use a bit of lite hearted diversion and welcome a laugh or two. It's a refreshing change of pace from some of the more, shall I say, darker negative threads posted up here lately. Lol.

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/08/22 07:46 AM.