From the Family's viewpoint: weekly earning power. From the hoodlum's viewpoint: being under The Law's radar.
I'd have to completely agree with you there on both points. #1 is earning power for both himself (and his borgata), and equally important is to have the ability to avoid spending long periods behind bars. Those are the two 'ultimate' goals of any street guy, whether he be a so-called formal "member" of not.
Because at the end of the day no matter how much money you may, or may not, have made during your time in the streets, if you get locked up for decades then IMO opinion (and the opinion of other logical sane people - street guys or not), you lost the wiseguy game. Period!
You can take all your money and stick right up in your ass. Because it ain't gonna do you a bit of good behind bars.
After spending a few decades in stir, go ask any intelligent wiseguy if he would rather keep his money and spend 20, 30, 40 years, or a life bid in the jug. Or if he would have preferred to give up the cash but have hit the streets and be home with his family. 99.9% will tell you that they'd choose the latter option. (because you can always generate more money, but you can't get those precious years back can you?)
Only a mentally ill, greedy sick fuck would choose to lose his freedom (for decades no less), just so he knows he has cash stashed away. Guys may put on a brave face and resign themselves to their fate as many have done. (and kudos to them), but given the choice? Few would stay the course I assure you!