Originally Posted by Lou_Para

Originally Posted by J Geoff

If you guys don't cut this shit out, I will either suspend or outright ban EVERYONE involved... HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES do you children have to devolve into this bullshit??!!

I hate to see anyone get suspended or banned,but it's not like you haven't given certain people multiple chances to temper their rhetoric.

I'm sure that a great number of posters (myself included) are on the same page of music that you are.

Some of those involved have posted entertaining, thought provoking content that was a pleasure to read,so sinking to the schoolyard "nah.nah,got you last, I know you are.but what am I?" type of drivel is all the more tragic and unnecessary.

Do what you gotta do. I'm sure our friend in Miami will go along.

You're right and I personally apologize to the board for my part in all this nonsense.