Originally Posted by hoodlum
Originally Posted by hoodlum
Originally Posted by jace
He did give up some people openly. He bothers me more when he lies on his videos. He's become a showman. Good for him if it makes him money, bad for anyone looking to learn about the Mafia. Often it's impossible to tell when he is telling us truth or fiction. I don't like him, but he is not as bad as Gravano, who totally ratted. I know some will say "If you ratted once on one person you are a total rat." I see it just a bit different,. If anyone feels different, fine. Gravano does know some real stories, as does Franzese, the John Alite total phonies bother me the most. Pennisi is very annoying, and might be the biggest rat out there now. He is still giving fiends up in his videos.

"Often it's impossible to tell when he is telling the truth".......I SIDE BY THAT BY 100%.....well said ..in this day & age of tech & sum such shit..who's 2 know who is fessing truth?..

..and Jace......if it makes u or us feel better...2 behind the ear 4 that f..k John Alite....I feel the same...fu..g POSER..that he always was...geez..I would have dipped my tips 4 that dude ...I always used 2 dip 4some 1 I personally did not care 4...just kidinn'''''...

Good thing you added that you were just kiddeng, we may have snitches on here. wink