Toodoped: MeyerLansky is GBB's new "50 Cent" lol Cheers buddy and stay safe
MeyerLansky: haha thank you buddy ! i hope i will go home today, the doctors will give an answer later this day
Toodoped: I wish you the best buddy and dont forget, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger
MeyerLansky: indeed thank you buddy ! all the best to you too !
Toodoped: Fuck the ScottB & Button/Zipper Pants sites and fuck their paywalls. This forum gives you everything for free and so best wishes and good health to both JGeoff and TB!
Toodoped: Cheers and stay tuned for more free information.
Toodoped: Cant believe that some posters need to open three different threads so they can advertise their projects, and also talk to themselves with the help of different accounts. What is the world coming to?!
Toodoped: whoomp there it is! whoomp there it is! lol
Toodoped: a bird told me that the zipper pants site is slowly going down lol lol lol
Toodoped: The best fun for me is being the puppeteer of a complete idiot lol lol
Toodoped: ...and screw all paywalls and paying sites. They wont give you shit
Toodoped: Thanks buddy! We should continue fighting against these lying paying sites and to protect everyone on this forum, especially the younger generation or posters.
Toodoped: these days lots of people that I know lost their families and everything they had because its legit and even youngsters can chip in
Toodoped: Same as the mob paying sites...ppl pay for "Disneyland" and wiki mob stuff, something which they can find it on their own with a simple google search
VanillaLimeCoke: Lousy school violence these days. Not even a 6th of the way through September and we've already had a psychotic violent school shooting.
Toodoped: Word. Few days ago, over here, they caught one teenager with a gun and more than 60 bullets, while going to school. I wonder what was his plan ?!
Toodoped: Damn....the retard slowly became a stalker and he's following me whenever I make a post so he can bump up his own $0,5 "projects" lol lol "IT" is finished and I love it lol
Toodoped: Cant believe this off to find some real pussy
Toodoped: aaaaand....the retarded stalker is back again
Toodoped: For those who enjoyed the "TD's Free Outfit Articles 2023/24" thread, well thanks to @TB for making it a sticky on the first page in the OC forum so everyone can enjoy it. Again, I want to personally say thanks to TB, JGeoff and the whole GBB forum. Salut
VanillaLimeCoke: I can’t take it anymore. Everything has gotta change. Or at least a lot.
Toodoped: Screw the world bro...the main thing today is to take care of you and yours.
VanillaLimeCoke: I’m hoping and praying that 2025 will be so much better. …. for real …. Too
Giacomo_Vacari: Damn, he is posting the same things over and over, nothing new. Watch out the flu is bad this year. January 20th Trump gets sworn in, and hopefully turn things around.
VanillaLimeCoke: Yeah, but they’re already planning things so he can’t turn them around
VanillaLimeCoke: Biden’s pardened over 8000 people, most of which were issued in the last 2-3 months
hoodlum: Yes, most likely 2 piss off that crybaby & compulsive liar now sadly in office.
Jason1969: Hey! After applying months ago, I finally got my button and was accepted as a member!
Let me put out some decent jokes, here. " I tell you I get no respect, I came from a real tough neighborhood. I bought a waterbed and found a guy at the bottom of it."
Dangerfield was one of my all time favorites. He was a very funny bastard. I used to see him at his midtown Manhattan comedy club, Dangerfield's, years back. We drank with him on several occasions too. He could booze up pretty good when he wanted to.
Dangerfield was one of my all time favorites. He was a very funny bastard. I used to see him at his midtown Manhattan comedy club, Dangerfield's, years back. We drank with him on several occasions too. He could booze up pretty good when he wanted to.
That's exactly right, I remember Dangerfield's being right on 2nd Ave as you came off the Queensborough Bridge into Manhattan from Queens. When I started drinking it wasn't legally and was down on The Bowery at CBGB's or the Mudd Club in Tribeca.
Re: "Just for laughs here's some..."Gangster Giggles"
[Re: CNote]
#1028037 01/13/2206:44 AM01/13/2206:44 AM
Dangerfield was one of my all time favorites. He was a very funny bastard. I used to see him at his midtown Manhattan comedy club, Dangerfield's, years back. We drank with him on several occasions too. He could booze up pretty good when he wanted to.
That's exactly right, I remember Dangerfield's being right on 2nd Ave as you came off the Queensborough Bridge into Manhattan from Queens. When I started drinking it wasn't legally and was down on The Bowery at CBGB's or the Mudd Club in Tribeca.
Yep, if my memory serves me correctly, you walked in through the front right side of the place and there was a large wraparound bar running along maybe half the length of the joint on the left. It ran in front of the floor to ceiling front windows all the way to black curtains that separated the lounge from the actual comedy stage and tables in the back where patrons would sit and watch the comedians. If you walked in and went straight ahead you'd directly access that back room with the comedy shows.
The few times I frequented the joint we would sit up front on stools between that front window and the bar drinking. When Rodney would finish a show he'd change into a bathroom and slippers and come sit on a stool upfront with his balls half hanging out where he'd get boozed up and ogle and chat up the women patrons. He could be very crude in real life as well and was a bit of a perv to boot, Lol. What I can tell ya is that whenever wiseguys or knock around guys would come into the place (which they did on occasion), he'd glad-hand them to be respectful and buy a round of drinks, but then he'd usually try and quickly duck into his back dressing room to try and avoid any further contact with them. Lol.
But Dangerfield's was a very popular destination point for many years.
Throughout history vampires have been generally known to revel in their uncanny abilities and dark persona...except Italian vampires that is, who are all understandably heartbroken. And who the heck could blame em??
Imagine asking an Italian, any Italian - vampire or not, to stay away from fresh garlic gloves?
An Italian guy named Joey goes to see Dr. Bacigalupo, who was the family physician, but also a personal fried of his. Once called into the doctor's examination room Joey asks the doc straight out, "Hey Dr. Bacigalupo, do you think you can prescribe a sleeping pill for my mother-in-law?"
The doctor responds, "Perche'? Is your mother-in-law suffering from insomnia?"
Joey responds, "No, my mother-in-law sleeps very well at night, the sleeping pills are for the daytime!"
OK I just found this one [ thought it was hilarious ];
"An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake...
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl with a 'Billy-Club'.
3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
'Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy ... do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'
The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No ... not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times"..
OK I just found this one [ thought it was hilarious ];
"An old, blind cowboy wanders into an all-girl biker bar by mistake...
He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, 'Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?'
The bar immediately falls absolutely silent.
In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, 'Before you tell that joke, Cowboy, I think it is only fair, given that you are blind, that you should know five things:
1. The bartender is a blonde girl with a baseball bat.
2. The bouncer is a blonde girl with a 'Billy-Club'.
3. I'm a 6-foot tall, 175-pound blonde woman with a black belt in karate.
4. The woman sitting next to me is blonde and a professional weight lifter.
5. The lady to your right is blonde and a professional wrestler.
'Now, think about it seriously, Cowboy ... do you still wanna tell that blonde joke?'
The blind cowboy thinks for a second, shakes his head and mutters, 'No ... not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times"..
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A stick! -- Here's a little survey taken in Italy by the Italian National Health Department to try and determine why men get up out of bed in the night. Here are the results...
10% to raid the refrigerator to grab a late night snack
15% to go take a pee
75% to go home! --- Happy Saturday people!.... enjoy your day.
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
A stick! -- Here's a little survey taken in Italy by the Italian National Health Department to try and determine why men get up out of bed in the night. Here are the results...
10% to raid the refrigerator to grab a late night snack
15% to go take a pee
75% to go home! --- Happy Saturday people!.... enjoy your day.
. That’s funny and true lol. Happy Saturday NYMafia
Hungry blonde has a fully stacked chest but an awfully hollow head... - A hot, but snooty blonde walks into a Brooklyn pizzeria and orders a pie while not even looking at the counterman.
Ogling her big tits with his eyes popping out of his head, the Italian kid behind the counter try's to flirt with her and then asks, "Signora, should I cut it in four or eight slices for you?"
The blonde arrogantly replies, "In four of course! How could I possible eat eight slices?"
Wow! What a crew. What, nobody laughs around here? LOL. Here's another one I liked....thought maybe some of you would find it funny too. -- THE INVENTION OF SEX.... - A Greek and an Italian were chatting over drinks one afternoon and started debating about who had the superior culture.
The Greek says, "We have the Parthenon" The Italian answers back, "We have the Colosseum" The Greeks says, "We had great Mathematicians" The Italian retorts, "We had the Roman Empire," an so on and so on it went.... Then the Greek comes back with, "We invented sex" The Italian quickly answers, "That is true, but it was we Italians who introduced it to women!"
DID YOU KNOW THAT Jesus Christ WAS ITALIAN? - He lived with his mother for 33 years, he thought she was a virgin, and she thought he was the son of God!
Did you hear about he Jewish child molester? "Hey kid,you wanna buy some candy?"
At the Last Supper, Jesus points to Peter and says "You will deny me 3 times" He then points to Judas and says "You will betray me for 30 pieces of silver" He then yells to the waiter "separate checks !!!"
One for the Catholics: Jesus wants to make a toast at the Last Supper,but he's had a little too much wine and is weaving and slurring his words. Finally,after his 2nd or 3rd attempt,Peter says "Sit down Jesus you're embarrassing yourself" Jesus grabs a piece of bread,throws it at Peter,and says"Aw eat me"
10 year old Vito is on a park bench with a bag full of candy bars,eating one after another.
An older man sitting next to him says"kid,it ain't good to eat candy like that, you're teeth are gonna rot,you'll get acne,and get sick with diabetes".
Vito says,"well my grandfather lived to be 101 years old"
The guy asks"did he eat lots of candy?".
Vito replies "no,he minded his own fuckin' business !"
10 year old Vito is on a park bench with a bag full of candy bars,eating one after another.
An older man sitting next to him says"kid,it ain't good to eat candy like that, you're teeth are gonna rot,you'll get acne,and get sick with diabetes".
Vito says,"well my grandfather lived to be 101 years old"
The guy asks"did he eat lots of candy?".
Vito replies "no,he minded his own fuckin' business !"
WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DEAF PERSON AND AN ITALIAN? - One talks with their hands and makes odd noises at random pitches...and the other can't hear. ----
One more for the Gipper... - Q; Why did the Italian wiseguy actually request to be handcuffed to his bed? - A; So he wouldn't talk in his sleep.