Not so much "a coincidence" as you say Turnbull, but it can be viewed that many others also benefitted from his demise, which is quite often the case with these types of things in that life.
Certainly Frank Costello wasn't a happy camper. Neither was Albert's brother Tony and many others who had tied their wagons to his fortunes. But as far sa the huge Sicilian contingent in the D'Aquila/Mangano/Scalici/Anastasia family? Definitely!
Vito benefitted for a time because Carlo viewed him as a very important ally. Maybe his most important "boss" ally at that time outside of members of his own borgata. Carlo and his entire brood certainly benefitted. Tommy Lucchese was happy for his in-law. Many others too I'm sure.
But Albert and his devoted followers....not so much.
The rest has been mostly wild conjecture and theories not based on true knowledge or reality by writers and law enforcement personnel who "guessed" and hypothesized about what truly took place. Add in bullshit claims by guys like Joey Gallo and Persico over the years and there ya go.