Another good saying that you often hear nowadays is, "They hate ya, cause they ain't ya!"
These words can certainly be applied to Frank Costello's situation, and many other scenarios as well.
Frank was so good at what he did. So successful at what he did, that he actually made it look easy. Many people in both the underworld and the upper-world were in awe of him for that. But like anything else in life, there are always a few haters out there also. History tells us that Frank Costello obviously had his. The biggest of which was Vito, who in particular was obsessed with him and took years to try and plot Costello's downfall.
PS: But it actually backfired on Vito. No sooner had he deposed Frank, Vito was jailed and died behind prison walls like a dog at approximately 71 years old...Frank on the other hand, lived the remainder of his life in spender. He died of natural causes in his own bed between silk sheets (with his shoes off), at the very respectable age of 83.
I'd rather be Frank over Vito any day of the week. Frank had real talent and business acumen. Vito had only viciousness and venom. How bout you guys?
Last edited by NYMafia; 01/27/22 06:25 AM.