The Waterfront commissions go too far and have too much power. They can kick a person out of a job just for knowing a mobster, or being related to one. Even if the worker did nothing wrong, they are out of a job. They also kicked out a lot of non-mafia tied people for frivolous things, such as a woman who they had fired because she had a shoplifting arrest 10 years earlier.
Their excuse was that she did not reveal it when interviewed. However in many cities if you are arrested for minor shoplifting it is expunged form your record if you are not arrested again, and you are allowed to say you have no arrest record. They kicked out a few people with slight mob ties, a grew with close ties. Yet all the others thrown out for old theft charges, or not revealing an old drug arrest, what do those people do? They did nothing wrong on the waterfront, and now are out of work. No trail, just a group of politically appointed flunkies making moves to show they have some value.