Originally Posted by eastsideofvan
Hi Furio - love your posts! For sake of discussion, I honestly think Leonetti was more self-serving in his motives than he lets on, but that's just my opinion perhaps. He certainly seems like a solid witness who has told the truth consistently about his time in the life and who hasn't turned it into a money making venture the way many former mobsters have. He's one of my favourite rats but he's still a rat! Chiodo probably is the best choice in my opinion, but for sake of discussion I'll pick someone else:


D'Arco: Like Chiodo, he hadn't done anything wrong and the family was going to kill him anyway because they were being run by two delusional, paranoid psychopaths. Why sit around waiting to be clipped? If there were three bosses who *earned* people ratting on them by their own stupid behaviour, they were Scarfo, Amuso and Casso. However, they weren't the worst bosses of all time, that dubious honour must surely belong to my next choice....


Massino: After a highly successful, lucrative, fairytale run at the top, he throws away his legacy and goes down as the biggest pussy in the history of the Mafia. Willing to take a piece of everybody's action, happy to boss his family around for 20 years, but not willing to take the fall when the law comes knocking. Wanted the big seat but couldn't take the responsibility the way a Tony Ducks or Carmine Persico could. He just wasn't of that quality.

He could have been truly one of the last legends in the American LCN but instead his entire legacy is a joke.

Gotta tell ya, THAT was a great breakdown and explanation for each of their situations, and I completely agree with what you wrote. 100%....make that 1000%