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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
03/07/22 05:19 PM
03/07/22 05:19 PM
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"Secondigliano alliance is comparable to Cosa Nostra according to, the revelations of Luca Esposito , the son-in-law of the boss Patrizio Bosti who in early February, after being arrested for bribing a doctor in exchange for fake Green Passes before leaving for Dubai with his family, asked to speak with the magistrates. The prosecutor Giovanni Melillo was also interrogating him in prison on February 2 and 3, alongside the anti-camorra prosecutor Ida Teresi.
He has not yet decided whether or not to collaborate with justice, he has released for now only spontaneous statements, which however have turned on, even more, the spotlight on the most powerful clan not only in Naples but in Italy.
According to Esposito , the Alliance that sees Contini-Mallardo-Licciardi together is comparable to the Sicilian mafia: "every month it pays its affiliates almost 170 thousand euros in" salaries ", it is protected from collusion with members of the police and where the wives hire reins of command when husbands are in prison ”.
The strength of the Aieta "Boss wives are like avatars: when there are no husbands, there are wives." According to Esposito, today in Naples "Anna Aieta is in charge", wife of Giugliano's chieftain Francesco Mallardo and sister of the wives of Patrizio Bosti and of the other inmate boss, Edoardo Contini.
Nicola Rullo, a leading exponent of the organization, would, for example, have affiliates " who were not" baptized "by Edoardo and Patrizio"who "did not appreciate" that Rullo"had an army of his own". Esposito does not hide that he does not get along very well with his brother-in-law, Ettore Bosti. "He's unmanageable, he doesn't love anyone." And he would also be bloodthirsty, to the point of bragging about the crimes he committed, as when, Esposito claims, the young Bosti told him about a double murder, where even an innocent man had lost his life while watching a football match on television.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
03/16/22 07:19 AM
03/16/22 07:19 AM
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Life imprisonment for the Casalesi boss Francesco Schiavone alias 'Sandokan' and Giovanni Diana for the murder of the traffic policeman Antonio Diana. The agent was killed in 1989 in San Cipriano d'Aversa . This was decided by the Court of Cassation which confirmed the verdict issued in 2019 by the Court of Appeal of Naples , putting an end to a proceeding in which the protagonists were the collaborators of justice, including the former fugitive boss Antonio Iovine, Carmine Schiavone, Giuseppe Quadrano, whose declarations have allowed the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples to reconstruct after almost 30 years the roles of the various members of the clan in the planning and execution of the crime. In total there were 9 defendants, but seven, including Iovine himself, chose the shortened procedure (all already convicted) while Sandokan and Diana went to the trial. From the trial it emerged that Francesco Schiavone was the instigator while Diana the mirror maker who had the task of locating the victim and also keeping the weapons. The traffic policeman Antonio Diana was killed in the feud that at the end of the 1980s contrasted the groups led by Francesco Schiavone and Francesco Bidognetti with that of the founder of the clan Antonio Bardellino. In particular, the murder of Diana was a response to the murder of Michele Russo, near Sandokan and killed by the Bardellino killers. Francesco Schiavone believed that the traffic policeman had acted as a mirror during the Russo's crime, and so he gave the order of death.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
04/16/22 04:56 AM
04/16/22 04:56 AM
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This time it's true, the super boss Luigi Cimmino repents: "Enough, I want to change my life"
![[Linked Image]]( Earthquake in Naples, Luigi Cimmino , 61, boss of Vomero , regrets . A sensational turning point in the investigation into the Neapolitan Camorra. The first minutes, covered by omissions, were filed today by the prosecutor Henry John Woodcock at the preliminary hearing against the alleged bosses of the Secondigliano Alliance . From the murder of Silvia Ruotolo to the contracts for the Cardarelli hospital, the boss of Vomero repents. Minutes full of omissions, those deposited in the courtroom a few hours ago, by prosecutors Celeste Carrano and Henry John Woodcock , during the trial against the alleged bosses of the Secondigliano Alliance. White-collar workers and citizen ills are shaking, Luigi Cimmino looks like a river in flood. Luigi Cimmino in the past had already expressed the will to repent, he began to tell some details about the Neapolitan clans to the prosecutor Henry John Woodcock. And the first minutes of the boss's depositions - naturally covered by omissions - were filed today, April 15, by the magistrate during the preliminary hearing on extortion for contracts in some hospitals in Naples. Arrested in Chioggia The Vomero boss, who was arrested in Chioggia in 2016 after a month on the run, will now be able to tell the secrets of one of the most powerful Camorra clans in Naples. Cimmino was one of the absolute protagonists of the Neapolitan Camorra history. In June 1997 he was the real target of the Caiazzo clan, in the ambush that cost the life of the innocent victim of the Camorra Silvia Ruotolo, mother of the former councilor - and today a city councilor - Alessandra Clement
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
04/18/22 07:07 AM
04/18/22 07:07 AM
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Ambush on Easter night in Naples. A young man was killed in front of the curve B of the Maradona stadium in the Fuorigrotta district. Shortly after one, on piazzale d'Annunzio, just a few meters from the entrance to the players' changing rooms. Enrico Marmoreo, 25, was in his gray Fiat 500 when he was joined by a scooter with two men in the saddle who fired at least eight times. In the area where the murder took place there are several video surveillance cameras, the images, examined by the investigators, could help to reconstruct what happened. Not only that, that area is crowded on Saturday evenings, so the presence of witnesses is also likely.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
04/20/22 05:04 PM
04/20/22 05:04 PM
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Angelo Moccia and his wife, an intercepted businessman and his wife: all in audience with the Pope (a public audience with the Pope who obviously did not know who his guests were). It happened a few years ago, as evidenced in a note from the judicial police, according to what emerges from the papers of the raid which culminated in 57 arrests. It happened on March 22, 2017 , according to what emerges from the wiretapping against the entrepreneur Giovanni Esposito.
Mafia association, extortion, use of money, goods or utilities of illicit origin, self-laundering, fictitious registration of goods, corruption, illegal carrying and possession of firearms, receiving stolen goods, aiding and abetting, crimes aggravated by the purpose of facilitating a mafia group. These are the charges disputed in various capacities to the 57 suspects deemed to be affiliated with the Moccia di Afragola clan , a clan that for some time had extended its criminal web going well beyond the borders of the Municipality of the Neapolitan hinterland, with firm branches even to Rome.
A very hard blow, the one inflicted by the district anti-mafia Directorate of Naples, thanks to a joint investigation by the Gico of the Guardia di Finanza of Naples and the Ros of the carabinieri.
Thirty-six precautionary custody orders in prison, 16 under house arrest and five measures of temporary prohibition to carry out business activities: among those arrested there are also Angelo, Luigi and Antonio Moccia and their brother-in-law Filippo Iazzetta , considered to be the leaders of the gang . The leaders of the organization would have managed to manage the criminal group even from prison, giving orders to affiliates in a state of freedom. The group's "white-collar workers" are also targeted: entrepreneurs operating in the sector of waste oils of animal and vegetable origin, in the sector of railway and high-speed contracts.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
04/29/22 07:29 AM
04/29/22 07:29 AM
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Naples, ambush in the night in Acerra: two 22-year-olds died
Ambush in Acerra, in the Neapolitan area: two 22-year-olds, already known to the police, died. The victims are Vincenzo Tortora, a native of Acerra, hit by a few gunshots, one to the head, and Pasquale Di Balsamo, also from Acerra, wounded by three gunshots, one in the side, which it was then fatal. Tortora, dying, was transferred to Cardarelli in Naples, where he died. Investigations by the Carabinieri of the Castello di Cisterna investigative unit are underway, to reconstruct the dynamics of the facts.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
05/04/22 06:55 AM
05/04/22 06:55 AM
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Contracts to the Casalesi 35 arrests: entrepreneurs and a lawyer from Giugliano involved
It has targeted the interests in economic sectors of great importance of the faction of the Casalesi clan headed by the boss Francesco Schiavone , such as contracts for the services of the railway network and road paving, the investigation coordinated by the Naples Public Prosecutor which today led to the execution by the carabinieri of Caserta, the DIA of Naples and the NIC of the DAP, of 35 precautionary measures and a seizure of assets for 50 million euros. The crimes alleged, for various reasons, to the suspects, are extortion, fictitious registration of assets, auction disruption, corruption, money laundering aggravated as they were committed by facilitating a mafia organization.
Over the years, the brothers Nicola and Vincenzo Schiavone (both resident in Posillipo) would have created an entrepreneurial network capable of supporting the family of Francesco Sandokan Schiavone . Dante Apicella also ended up in the cell , believed to be the head of a sort of entrepreneurial system capable of managing proceeds from entrepreneurial orders that would have fostered the criminal system of the Casalesi.
There is also a lawyer from Giugliano, MC, and the head of a banking agency, Francesco Chianese, among the recipients of the 35 precautionary measures (17 in prison, 17 at home and an obligation to report to the judicial police) notified this morning to 35 suspects as part of the investigation. Both investigators deny having revealed to one of the persons under investigation, the existence of the investigative activity.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
05/12/22 06:32 AM
05/12/22 06:32 AM
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Milan-Amsterdam, the money of the European cocaine trafficking recycled into works of art: 31 arrests, Alberto Genovese investigated
Network of drug traffickers, Genovese involved in the ketamine used in the parties at Terrazza Sentimento. An art gallery in Amsterdam seized: Andrea Deiana, a dealer specialized in Banksy, was arrested. The accounts of two companies in Pero and Como blocked, a circle of well-known bikers in Cologno Monzese searched
Deiana would have had a close relationship with a leading exponent of the Camorra, Raffaele Imperiale (not investigated), also known as the "boss of the Van Goghs" . According to the investigation, the Italian gallerist in Amsterdam was so close to Imperiale that he helped ensure the Camorra's in hiding in Europe , and even escorted him on his escape from Kiev to Dubai . Imperiale, sentenced to eight years for drug trafficking and money laundering (non-definitive sentence) thanks to his collaboration with the courts, was captured on 4 August 2021 and then extradited to Italy at the end of March this year.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
05/16/22 05:43 AM
05/16/22 05:43 AM
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Naples, 24 arrests today: rival clans Rega and Esposito-Palermo beheaded NAPLES > CHRONICLE Monday 16th May 2022
Mafia-type association aimed at receiving stolen goods, possession and illegal carrying of weapons and explosives, attempted murder and association aimed at drug trafficking: these are the crimes that, for various reasons, the Dda of Naples challenges 17 suspects to whom, during the course of the night, the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Castello di Cisterna notified (between Naples, Agrigento, Biella, Terni and Santa Maria Capua Vetere in the province of Caserta), as many arrests issued by the investigating judge of Naples.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
05/18/22 04:47 AM
05/18/22 04:47 AM
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A 44-year-old was shot in Soccavo, in via vicinale Palazziello. According to what was reconstructed by the police, this is Antonio Ernano, brother-in-law of the inmate boss Alfredo Vigilia 'o nir, already known to the police, who arrived at the emergency room of the San Paolo hospital in via Terracina in serious condition, in the company of a friend , but it is not life threatening.
He sustained a gunshot wound to his left buttock.Two shells were found on the spot. The area where the ambush took place is considered by investigators to be under the control of the Vigilia clan.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
05/20/22 06:02 AM
05/20/22 06:02 AM
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The boss Tortora killed by two clans to divide Acerra, 6 arrests in the Neapolitan area Two criminal groups from the Neapolitan area would have planned the murder of the boss Pasquale Tortora to divide up the Acerra territory; 6 arrests of the carabinieri.
Pasquale Tortora , boss of the homonymous clan of Acerra and Casalnuovo killed in an ambush on May 20, 2020 , was allegedly killed by killers armed by two different criminal groups, who wanted to take control of the town of Naples with that murder. It is the reconstruction of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate, which led to the precautionary custody order for 6 people issued by the investigating judge of Naples and carried out during the night by the Carabinieri of the Castello di Cisterna Investigation Unit between Acerra, Naples and Nuoro; the suspects are accused, for various reasons, of complicity in murder, illegal possession of weapons and receiving stolen goods, with the aggravating circumstance of mafia purposes. The investigations, carried out by the carabinieri, have documented the existence of two separate Camorra groups, the first based in Afragola and attributable to Cosimo Nicolì , born in 1977, who boasted direct relations with the Sienese family, an emanation of the Moccia clan and decades stationed in Rome; the other group, formed in Acerra, would instead be headed by Bruno Avventurato , class of '75, brother of Giuseppe Avventurato, victim of a Camorra ambush in Acerra on 19 December 2019.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
06/05/22 06:32 AM
06/05/22 06:32 AM
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Son of the chieftain killed in the disco, Casalesi bosses condemned editorial board June 3, 2022 The Gup of the Court of Naples , Giovanni De Angelis, sentenced the bosses Michele Zagaria and Vincenzo Schiavone known as Petillo to 30 years in prison, at the end of the shortened rite . The two bosses were accused of the murder of Michele Della Gatta, an element of the clan killed in a beach in Castel Volturno in 1999.
The judge also inflicted 10 years and eight months on Antonio Iovine, known as “o ninno”, a former boss of the Casalesi family who became a collaborator of justice. For almost 20 years, the perpetrators and perpetrators of the crime had never been discovered, so much so that the first investigation by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Naples , activated after the murder, had ended with an archiving.
THE REVELATIONS OF THE SON OF SANDOKAN Then important clan justice collaborators, first of all Nicola Schiavone, eldest son of the Casalesi chief Francesco Sandokan Schiavone , and therefore Antonio Iovine himself , began to talk about the Della Gatta crime, opening up new scenarios. It emerged that Zagaria and precisely Iovine were the instigators of the crime, while Vincenzo Schiavone was the material perpetrator, and that the crime, which took place on June 5, 1999, would be closely connected to another bloody event that occurred three months earlier, on March 19. of the same year, or that of Carlo Amato , son of the boss Salvatore Amato , who then controlled the city ofSanta Maria Capua Vetere .
Beaten and stabbed Carlo Amato, who emerged from the immediate investigations of the DDA, was beaten and fatally stabbed by Della Gatta , then a member of the Schiavone family, in a disco in Santa Maria. The party was organized by the then 18-year-old Walter Schiavone , son of Sandokan, who was present.
It seems that Carlo had offended Walter Schiavone and his brother Nicola, for which Della Gatta reacted by beating and killing Amato. The latter's father then wanted to take revenge by hitting one of Sandokan's sons, so the clan bosses, to avoid bloody revenge and therefore a probable feud, decided to kill Della Gatta .
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
06/07/22 05:55 AM
06/07/22 05:55 AM
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Camorra: DIA blitz against the Mallardo clan, 25 arrests 17 people in prison and 8 under house arrest, there is also the regent
The 25 people arrested by the Dia di Napoli are believed to belong to the Mallardo clan, a component organization of the so-called Secondigliano Alliance (together with the Licciardi clan and the Contini clan). criminal association of the Camorra type.
Against the suspects (for 17 people the investigating judge of Naples ordered the prison, for the remaining 8 the house arrest) the investigators contest, for various reasons, also the crime of extortion, detention and abusive carrying of firearms, false attestations in deeds intended for the judicial authorities, personal aiding and abetting, fictitious registration of assets, use of money of illicit origin, self-laundering, aggravated fraud to obtain public funds, crimes, all of them, aggravated by the mafia method.
The investigations carried out are currently considered useful in reconstructing the organization chart of the Camorra organization which has its base and does illicit business in Giugliano in Campania and in other municipalities in the hinterland north of the Campania capital. The investigations revealed the fictitious title of assets, a crime concerning, in particular, a betting agency (in fact attributable to the clan regent, recipient of one of the precautionary measures, but found in the name of the daughter-in-law and managed by the son) and others assets, in the name of figureheads, which have been seized.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
07/15/22 04:32 AM
07/15/22 04:32 AM
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Camorra: new criminal group crushed, 29 arrests – Campania Thursday 14th July 2022 09:09 AM
Clash with injuries and hanging out for illicit business control (ANSA) – NAPLES, JULY 14 – 29 people were arrested during the blitz that the agents of the Naples mobile squad made today in the Neapolitan district of Pianura. The charges against the suspects are, for various reasons, of mafia-type association, attempted murder, extortion, possession and carrying of firearms, association aimed at trafficking and distributing drugs, all aggravated by the mafia method.
The investigations were launched following the wounding of two people, which took place last December, The investigators have ascertained the birth and rise of the new criminal group that would have opposed another team for the control of illegal activities. The investigations had a first turning point last December when two injuries were recorded one day later.
Among the disputed crimes, also a “spread” committed to the detriment of a car wash and an attempted murder.
“A strong applause to the police and the judiciary who this morning freed our territory from numerous metastases that, we hope, will remain in prison for a long time”. This was stated by Luigi Cuomo, spokesman for the Pianura anti-racket association dedicated to the memory of Gigi and Paolo, two innocent victims of the Camorra.
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Re: Camorra news
[Re: Hollander]
07/20/22 07:58 AM
07/20/22 07:58 AM
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Ambush in Ponticelli: double murder in the Fiat district
Ambush in Ponticelli, two dead in via Eugenio Montale in Ponticelli in the Fiat district, behind the ABC.
The victims of the double murder are: Carlo Esposito, born on 16 July 1993 and Antimo Imperatore, 56 years old. The murder took place in an apartment. One of them was at the door.
According to what leaks, Esposito is believed to be close to the De Micco-De Martino clan, while Imperatore was on site for maintenance work (to install a mosquito net) and was a stranger to any criminal environment.
This morning Emmanuel De Luca Bossa, son of the boss Antonio De Luca Bossa, was arrested in a blitz, among others, in Ponticelli.
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