Originally Posted by Turnbull
Originally Posted by Lana

What is our take as to,
  • Michael
Would Michael using his political connections help advance including bailing out the Corleones if required, making them invulnerable! [Vito's expectation?] or would he lead a civilian life, having nothing to do with the family business
I've always believed that, if Vito'd had his way, Michael as Senator or Governor would have worked to legalized gambling at the national or state level, which would have "legitimized" Vito's heritage and vastly enriched the Corleones' coffers( whyMichael moved the family to Nevada anyway). That would have made Sonny the head of an ever-diminishing criminal side of the Corleone family, and made him, in effect, Michael's strong-arm protector. It would have set up powerful resentment by Sonny, possibly leading to deadly violence--and an interesting additional GF movie
Originally Posted by Evita
Don't know Turnbull if Vito'd had his way, [all going to plan] would "legitimacy" been in the pipeline?
Vito I don't apologize -- that's my life didn't seem bothered about his "legitimized" heritage or legalized gambling
Originally Posted by Turnbull
Yes. unlike Michael, Vito did accept himself for what he was. But I can't see Vito simply sitting back in his old age and saying, ""Hey, look at my boy Michael--he's helping to feed the starving Africans...and he raised the minimum wage." I don't see him walking away from the rich empire he created through gambling. He had to have a plan for Michael to help transition his empire to legitimacy--and continued wealth.
This is exactly the issue!

Vito had all these grand plans but no forward-thinking / planning about the family turmoil, it would cause

“Vito did accept himself for what he was” but burdened Michael with the near impossibility and unrealistic task of making decades old Mafia business legitimate
Whilst “He [Michael] had achieved the semblance of legitimacy and was more "legitimate" than ever in III” but at what cost

Vito's legacy – Thanks Pop!
  • Sonny's death if not rushing to his sister, Connie's aid surely as bad Don
  • Fredo's betrayal and death because Fredo was stepped over without Vito making any face-saving provision for him
  • Michael's murderous, miserable life
  • Connie's widowhood because of Vito's inaction in her spousal abuse and subsequent whoring

Michael wanted Anthony to head "the rich empire he created" [expanded] but the big difference is Anthony was presented with a clean "legitimate" slate but Anthony opted for "an opera singing Corleone -- well -- was -- well --"!