The murder of Brancaccio, the confession: "I saw him and I shot him, he didn't want me to be with his daughter"
The story of Alessandro Sammarco, 19, who is now in custody for the killing of Natale Caravello: "I was afraid of his reaction and for this I had the gun with me. I met him by chance and I opened the fire, I did a big trouble. " But some doubts remain about the dynamics.
Sammarco, related to the mafia and who is defended by the lawyer Corrado Sinatra, was thus constituted yesterday evening shortly after the crime.
Given the precedents of Caravello, last night the hypothesis of a crime matured for other reasons was not completely ruled out, but as is now happening more and more often in Palermo, behind the latest murders there are passionate or really futile reasons. Sammarco, who has already had to deal with justice as a minor, but for very minor crimes, such as driving without a license, helps his grandfather in running a shop in BallarĂ².

Last edited by Hollander; 03/11/22 03:55 PM.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"