DP and Hoodlum,
Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated, as you folks know I take my cooking seriously while also enjoying the hell out of preparing a good meal!
As far as the roux, I decided to go with a blonde one (of sorts), because after doing some research, I kept finding that N.O. cooks say that the dark roux was strictly for gumbo, but the blonde one would be appropriate for this dish. And, rather than making a true roux, they would sautee the "trinity" in butter (always butter, never oil for this one) and then add the flour, mixing carefully so it wouldn't lump up. And no tomatoes. Period. I used College Inn fish stock because I didn't have enough shrimp shells to make a proper stock from scratch. And, IMO, it was better with a bit of hot sauce added before serving. But, as they also say in the Big Easy,
chacun à son goût.
Oh well... live and learn!

Planning my Friday menus for Signora V. and myself. As she's Catholic, I'll work on some nice non-meat dishes for Lent.
After being out of work for the better part of two years due to the pandemic, she is starting a new job tomorrow!!!
Off now to make her some Asian-inspired stir-fried chicken with fresh string beans and rice. She deserves it!
Signor V.