Originally Posted by Dwalin2011
Originally Posted by jace
Meanwhile no one can point to any judge appointed by the mob.

Have you read this post above?

Originally Posted by NYMafia

Thats not true!

One example is Judge Thomas Aurelio. He was appointed by Frank Costello. Aurelio was even caught on a wiretap professing his "undying loyalty to Don Francesco" for his appointment. It's all documented. There were others in NYC and elsewhere as well. The Chicago Outfit was prolific at it.

Or is this a "myth" too, just because it doesn't fit you narrative? You are constantly minimizing the power of the mob even at their "golden age".

So it took you this long to come up with an old rumor. He was friends with Costello not an appointee of his. Fine, one, although the courts and politicians appoint judges. I'll give it to you, name the rest. Take another day or two if you need it.