A lot of those bensonhurst/ staten island kids in the 90’s were not very tough one on one at all, thats a fact. They danced around like fags at night clubs. One guy on youtube talks about how if anyone had an issue with one guy, they “fought all of us”. That is a cop out and an excuse not to engage in a fair fight.
I witnessed anthony acceturro jr and his friends get the shit kicked out of them by friends of mine who were older than me but acceturro’s age. I saw it with my own eyes, it wasnt even close. That is 100% true.
Yes you are right...
I dont know about the dancing part, LOL...
Alot of them were punks......
Had they not have had their crew behind them or if their father, uncle, brother, cousin etc.
Behind them they would have gotten the PISS BEATEN OUT OF THEM.
The thing was if you had no crew behind you than you couldn't really stand up to them, it was a losing proposition.
Just so you get an idea if you had a crew of say 10-15 guys which was average, we had crews in the 90's, not gangs but crews.
Out of each crew you had 1 maybe 2 of the guys were tough, the rest were tough only when they had their crew behind them.
Each crew had a wiseguy behind them that was their sponsor, and would look out for them.
The crew would do for the wiseguy whether it was sell drugs, steal cars, burn cars, collect money, beat someone up for whatever reason, mostly low level activities.
When the crew got into trouble and needed to be bailed out on the street, they would run to their wiseguy.
Then the wiseguys would have a sit-down and that usually was the end of it.
The Bath Ave Crew I never met Guilino however, I am told he was very tough.
Tommy McLaughlin was NICE with his hands I seen him and heard about him lumping up a few tough guys.
Louie Tuzzio was a KILLER
Mario Gallo would throw hands with anyone.
Rico and Dom the twin towers I never seen them back down to anyone.
Bobby Tarantola was like a pit bull on steroids, a single bullet couldnt stop that guy.
Lil Dino Saricino would fight anyone, mono E mono.
Froggy, I seen him stand up to and disarm a guy that had a gun to Froggy's chest, Froggy didn't have anything on him.
The guy had the barrel of the gun pressed to Froggy's chest, Froggy was calm and cool he was taking his two fingers and pushing the barrel off his chest, the guy brought it back, Froggy, slowly and gently pushed it away again.that happened a few times, eventually the guy calmed down.
Really wasn't too smart
I have to give him credit he told everyone to stay away and handled it all on his own.
Joey Caves was an ANI-MAL..
He would run around stabbing guys for almost no reason.