Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Originally Posted by Giacalone
Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Thanks i12…… I had to stop half way through my Yoga movement workout this morning, will try again tomorrow morning and hope I can do full hour.

Travel Safe i12…. Hope your trip goes well.

That stuff is sooo hard in the beginning, but it gets easier. My wife is a yoga instructor. She'll do Ashtanga and power yoga like drinking water. Many of those poses I won't even attempt lol

Its amazing, the Women are so much better than any men Ive seen do it.
I am in my 50”s and only doing it for almost two years.

When I see the Women in practice doing cobra and up dog without knees on the ground consistently i learn from that and try to do.
When i see them doing head and hand stands with ease, i am encouraged but cautious since I can get injured.

Down dog with Flat feet and pigeon are my successes as well as flipping my dog and lasting to the end for meditation and breath work.

Its a great workout and I wish i found this when i was younger.

Yes!! I love that you're meditating and doing breath work as well. It's so important for our well being! That stuff has literally changed my life. I do a lot of Wim Hof breathing, cold exposure.

Yoga is hard, but never forget the rewards. Yeah, even poses that appear easy are often very hard to do.

You're right about the women. They are just unbelievable when it comes to this stuff. My wife will do a Full Lotus or a Scorpion like it's nothing. I couldn't even do that if you paid me a billion and I used to compete in fitness. Women seem to have much better balance than men.

Keep doing your thing brother. Many blessings!

Thank you Sir.

I love the meditation and breathe work….. keeping at it And Bleesings to you and your Wife.

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.