2000 MULES

A documentarian investigation into the 2020 election, with particular analysis of key swing states in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, show how rampant illegal voting turned the 2020 election in Joe Biden's favor and how it was ultimately stolen from the American people. Using geofencing technology and previously recorded footage of ballot boxes, there are no doubts that the 2020 election was stolen by the Democratic party. It's not surprising due to the party being so heavily in favor of mail-in balloting during the election, which is more susceptible to voter fraud. They also believe that any form of voting integrity laws are "racist" and "disproportionately effect minorities." Also keep in mind this is the same Democratic party that ran with a wild conspiracy theory for 4 years that the 2016 election was stolen, due to the simple fact, they couldn't process actually losing out to a candidate like Donald Trump. But you may be asking yourself, why haven't you heard more about the 2020 stolen election or seen any proof of voter fraud? It's quite simple really: the same Democratic party and MSM outlets who tried to indoctrinate you that the 2016 election was stolen, choose not to cover the steal of the 2020 election because they achieved their objective by getting Donald Trump illegally out of office. Don't believe me? Watch this film and make your own conclusions only afterwards. 6/10