Originally posted by Patrick:
[quote]Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b] [quote] I wish the decision could be up to the parents, but giving them the authority to decide whether Terri lives would interfere with a juvenile and an adult.
How is that?

and btw I like the flame bait by saying "God Damned Republicans" :rolleyes:
[/quote]How is that? If the parents can decide what happens to their daughter (who is over 18), than that, in essence, gives them power to decide her fate when she is an adult. It's like my parents being able to tell me what to do when I turn 18 and move out. They have no authority on me anymore.

Are you trying to say that it's not the Republicans that are pushing this?! [/b][/quote]Then it only interferes with what happens between an adult and an adult. Terri is responsive and I've heard numerous reports of her responding when they talk about death, and how SHE doesn't want it. Since she can't personally go to court and fight it and her husband wants her dead then her wishes should just be ignored? It's not a matter of the parents MAKING the decision it is the parents FIGHTING FOR THEIR DAUGHTER'S decision.

and no I'm saying there was no need to say God Damned, you could have just said Republicans but you put in the God Damned as flame bait.

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"