Who's currrently regarded as the most ruthless violent mobster in New York/East Coast? We all know there are still guys out there that have no issues going to prison and will kill when necessary with no regrets or second thoughts about going away for life. I love reading peoples opinions online about how "scared" mob guys are about going away to prison. Its just so fucking comical that anyone would think that. Real hardcore mobsters do not fear prison or killing someone that is just reality.

One guy that comes to mind to what I am exactly talking about is Fotios “Freddy” Geas. He's the one who took out Whitey Bulger in prison by cutting his eyeballs and tongue out along with bashing his skull in so he was pretty much unrecognizable. Another one of his victims tried to crawl out of his grave when two bullets in the head failed to do the trick so he beat him to death with a shovel.

Discuss your opinions on who currently is the most violent ruthless mobster today.

Last edited by RushStreet; 06/07/22 03:24 PM.