Originally posted by Big Daddy Don:
[QUOTE]...The most interesting point though, I thought and mentioned earlier was when they discussed the video where she seems to respond at times and the comment was you see these same few clips over and over because all the other times there is no response at all. I found that a very interesting comment.
The husband once said on Larry King Live (a couple of years ago) that the videoclips provided by the family are extremely misleading because in reality, Terri will lie there for hours and hours without moving a muscle or responding to anything. What we see (and now hear) are basically little gold nuggets of activity that were caught on tape.

I still cannot understand how, without the existence of a living will where Terri would've documented her wishes...the husband was allowed to have her feeding tube removed. I think this is really where the courts intervened...long before Congress & the President got into it. All we have is the word of Michael Schiavo and a few of HIS relatives, that she said she wouldn't want to live this way. I don't think it's enough to enable him to do what he's done.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.