Originally posted by Don Provalone:
From what I have heard, her parents were willing to take full responsibility for her, so if there is no living will or similar document, then I really do not understand the husband's view... unless her death means that he can date or remarry with a clear conscience. Sorry, but my 'guy' instincts tell me that even if she is not in his care, she is still restricting him from moving on. Although his wife is disabled, he cannot remarry or even date without technically committing adultery. I am not saying that he does not love his wife, but I do know that her death sets him free to move on.
UPDATE - saw in a DC newspaper, her husband:

1) has been living with a woman for 10 years
2) has 2 children by her
3) promised he would never divorce his wife (does not mean he would not kill her though)

This adds a new meaning to 'till death do us part'. If he divorces her, he would have to provide alimony as long as she is breathing. If she dies - no alimony, he can remarry and give his kids his name, and get any insurance money from his dead wife. That is why he cannot let her live, even if he is not responsible for her. Her death is in his best interests.

"People who are not serious, should not be taken seriously"