I haven't had time to listen to the 2-hr interview yet, although I did read Linda Stratmann's article. Which is very well written.

She makes only passing reference to the shot that injured James Tague on the far side of Dealey Plaza, standing just outside of the underpass between Main and Commerce. Incidentally, standing in the exact spot where Tague was hit in the face with a piece of concrete where it is (generally) presumed that the first bullet hit, if you look from that location back up to the window on the sixth floor of the TSBD, it is an absolutely clear line of sight. If you draw out on a map of Dealey Plaza a line from that spot to the window it would make the most sense that would be the first of Oswald's shots as the presidential limousine would have just passed by the TSBD on Elm Street.

I look forward to the whole interview; it is unfortunate this theory has not received more attention, it is quite a rational one much like pro-conspiracy writer Josiah Thompson's book Six Seconds in Dallas, which even Vincent Bugliosi complimented in Reclaiming History. I think I only first heard it myself within the last ten years and I've been reading about this subject for 25. I would guess that it suffers from not being as outrageous and therefore not as attractive to someone who's confirmation bias is seeking evidence of a true "conspiracy" involving sexier conspirators (the VP, the mob, the Cubans, etc.) but I can easily see why it deserves equal consideration alongside the more "fun" conspiracy theories.

Last edited by eastsideofvan; 07/20/22 03:54 PM.