Originally Posted by Liggio
I've heard the official 911 story over and over again as it's been rammed down my throat, over and over again, and I can tell you that the official version is what sounds like more of a conspiracy theory to me. Take off your coat of blind patriotism that you so strongly cling to and wake up to the truth, which is that we've been lied to about everything.

Since you are the one making the claim that 911 was a conspiracy.the burden of proof falls upon you to provide the following evidence :
Who were the conspirators?
Who really destroyed the Twin Towers,Pentagon,and crashed at Shanksville?
What truth is it that we should wake up to?
I promise to read your response with an open mind,and not respond with sarcasm or insult,and would appreciate it if you would do the same.

Last edited by Lou_Para; 07/22/22 06:55 PM.