If Hollywood portrayed Mobsters the way the are in real life, you wouldn't have people glamourizing them as much as they do.
Its not what the movies make them out to be. Many are low life scumbags just like your run of the mill gangbanger. Most are ugly as fuck and don't have any fashion sense whatsoever, and don't really give a fuck about that. Also most are broke living in apartments and not million dollar mansions. The Mob Life is only profitable for the bosses and being an average soldier doesn't mean jack shit. The Mob is far different than it was in the 1950's and 1960's, or even the 1970's.
I'll use an example. Back then if you walked into a restaurant or club , you got VIP service no questions asked. Nowadays? Forget about it. It doesn't guarantee you jack shit because no one gives a fuck about the mob anymore.
In the 1950s-1960s and maybe in the 1970s the mob was the only organizated and transnational oc group. Now that lost the most part of its power is a oc gruop like another but I think that maybe in NYC and NJ the mob is still feared.
Hollywood ever glamourized the criminals: the prohibitions criminals and after the american mafia and now the cartels (Narcos) or the blacks (Empire).
At the end in every criminal organization there many brokesters and very few rich men.