Originally Posted by alicecooper
Italians ain't white.

If they were they wouldn't call themselves Italians.

Africa only went so far before it reminded the world it was African. It was called Italy.

WOW! I can't even believe that anyone would make such an outwardly ignorant, uneducated statement. One that has absolutely NO validity to it whatsoever to boot. And post it with a face like shit and have the nerve to do that, knowing full well that he's insulting so many people on this forum and beyond! Thats so fucked up of you!

THAT is truly astonishing to me. But I guess considering some of the other things you've posted on here that's about right for you. We should not be that surprised. But WOW anyway! LOL

alicecooper, you have "once and for all" revealed yourself for who you "truly" are. And that is nothing but an ignoramus and a prejudice racist asshole!

Why don't you tell everybody what your ethnic background is Alice? I for one would like to know. (if you even have the nerve to do so). LOL. I can just imagine. Sounds to me like you're some backwoods "Wonder-Bread" inbred hick from the sticks with three teeth in his mouth to even puke out a vile jerk-off statement like that. LOL

What a broken down loser you must be!

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/20/22 07:29 PM.