Originally Posted by BensonHURST
Originally Posted by Giacalone
I always found it strange that there are people who believe the smaller families will eventually be absorbed. It's not gonna happen any time soon. The Colombos have always been the smallest. Yet, they still have some of the biggest crews around

Which ones of the Colombo crews are that big in size?

Joe Amato's crew is massive and Uvino's Long Island crew is pretty impressive too. They have a shit ton of associates

Originally Posted by NYMafia
ALL the NYC families have been somewhat deduced in size and reach over the years.

I would rather say they've been deduced in reach than size. They have a lot of losers running around with a button. They'll never run out of losers, but getting good capable guys is a thing of the past

But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away