Mafia and drugs: the meetings of Trapani bosses in Palermo
Cell phone spy virus reveals some illicit business
by Riccardo Lo Verso
PALERMO - Until a year ago, Jhonatan Lucchese seemed to be one of the many small Palermo drug dealers . The blitz of the carabinieri in recent days reveals his contacts with some mafia members of Trapani .

Piero Di Natale, right-hand man of the boss and loyal to Matteo Messina Denaro, Franco Luppino , would have played the role of intermediary between Lucchese and Rosario Stallone, a native of Castelvetrano, arrested in the summer of last year.

The men of the Ros and the provincial command of Trapani monitored three meetings between Di Natale and Lucchese, in Palermo. To be precise, in 2020, they met in the Leroy Merlin car park and at a service station near the motorway junction for Partinico.

The spy virus injected into the mobile phones of the suspects has also made it possible to record deliveries of money to Lucchese for the payment of some drug consignments. "A thousand and 800 are they? ... my cousin told you two", said Lucchese referring to Stallone.

Speaking of money and deliveries Lucchese protested over late payments: "You tell him it can't be like this ... tell him: 'You have to be faster if he sends you less ... it can't be ... because I have problems in Palermo ...?".

And it is on the role of Lucchese that the investigations of the Palermo Anti-Mafia District Directorate are now focused.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"