If you look at the case objectively and do some research the possible scenarios are narrowed down to 5.
1). Jerome Johnson was a lone shooter
2). Jerome Johnson was recruited by the Gallos
3). Jerome Johnson was recruited by Gambino/Commission
4). Jerome Johnson was recruited by the BLA
5). Jerome Johnson was recruited by FBI
While there is some evidence to support each of these theories, when fully reviewed it becomes more apparent who had the motive, opportunity and means to kill Joe Colombo in June of 1971.
Albert Seedman WAS a good cop, the accusation that he was a sadist because he mushed someone's face on a perp walk, is tempered by the fact that the perp, Tony Dellernia, was a lowlife scumbag cop-killer. The NYPD investigation provided much of the factual information about this case including Johnson's possessions, personal history up to the shooting, whereabouts prior to the shooting and connection to the NYC Sex Trade Operation in Manhattan and the Gambino Family through that sex trade operation.. Johnson was an associate of Ed"Skull"Murphy, one of the worst bottom feeder, sex predators, spawned in the gutters of Gotham. Murphy in turn, was a close associated with Mike Umbers, another bottom feeder connected to the Gambino Family through Soldier Paul DiBella and bizarrely connected to the movie Dog Day Afternoon in 1975 starring Al Pacino.
When the facts are reviewed, it becomes clear that some of these theories are more evident than others.
The theories put forth by the Colombo Family are the most lacking in factual evidence and are mostly anecdotal. The premise that Greg Scarpa, Lin DeVecchio and the FBI assassinated Colombo is undermined by the facts that Scarpa had stopped informing in 1966 and that while Lin DeVecchio was part of the FBI investigation into the assassination, he had no connection to Scarpa at the time and there is no evidence of the corruption he was later accused of as Scarpa's handler many years later. The attempt to link the illegal CoIntelpro Operation as part of the conspiracy, is laughable.
The first person to point fingers at the FBI was Fr. Louis Gigante, the embodiment of the Saturday Night Live character Fr. Guido Sarducci, who would later be an accused pederast. Gigante, brother to future Genovese Boss Vincent Gigante, pointed fingers at the FBI after Colombo's assassination, stating that."They've been known to do this before.". Anthony Colombo, Joe's son, picked up the call shortly afterwards. Another Colombo soldier, Cantalupo, became an FBI informant later on and stated that the FBI was involved but never provided evidence to support his allegation.