A diminished, aging family from Detroit, which was always one of the smaller families anyway, should be wary of venturing into Canada. As Montreal has illustrated so well for years, it is the Wild West in Canada.

Featuring incompetent police, a catch-and-release justice system, and nothing remotely like RICO laws, organized crime in Canada is allowed to function at a level not seen in the United States in the last 30 years.

The last American mob boss (Montagna) who showed up in Canada telling everyone that he was now in charge ended up going back to New York in a bodybag. One of his key collaborators was poisoned while IN HIS PRISON CELL. Raynald Desjardins is down to his last or second-to-last Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve.

Jackie the Kid strikes me as far too intelligent to wade into the complex, Calabrian vs. Sicilian hellscape that is Canadian organized crime.

Last edited by eastsideofvan; 10/03/22 09:51 PM.