The street gangs scene is very diverse in Canada. Just like other countries.
You have many different groups that are simply street gangs, but many of those street gangs that are mentioned in the news are more than street gangs, they are organized crime groups.

In the Prairies the most well known gangs are from Natives. Groups like the Manitoba Warriors, Saskatchewan Warriors, Alberta Warriors, Red alert, Indian Posse and others. They are a major factor in the jail system.
Cities like winnipeg are very violent, and are known to have a high murder rate.

In recent years, the gangs of British Columbia have been making the news alot more. Gangs of different ethnicities are at war. You have the most well known gangs like UN, Red Scorpions, Independant Soldiers. Those gangs are made of of indian/punjabi but also white people, asians and probably other ethnicities to a lesser degrees. In 2009, there was a war between those gangs.

Now there seem to be new players in the gang scene of Vancouver, groups like Brother’s Keepers and BIBO gang, and they are really active in the new 2021/2022 gangs war of Vancouver.